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Ministry of human resources and social security China building materials federation on the selection of the national building materials industry advanced collective advanced workers and model workers
Department of human resources and social security of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and xinjiang production and construction corps
In recent years, the national building materials industry the general cadre staff uphold deng xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought, the concept of scientific development as a guide, comprehensively implement the party's 19 big spirit, in-depth study and implement new era xi the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics, innovative, pioneering spirit, in promoting the building materials industry structural reforms, supply side win to fill capacity three-year-long short board, applications and upgrade traditional industries to increase market more competitive, good services, building materials for energy conservation and emissions reduction begun development standard, full speed up the process of raising ecological civilization construction, the four to be completed,
Accelerate the enterprise merger and reorganization, improve the utilization rate of resources, improve industrial concentration and accelerate the "going out", formed to capacity, short board, adjust the structure of the new pattern of transformation and upgrading, and casting building materials industry culture, emerge a batch of advanced collectives and advanced individuals, they in order to promote scientific development and innovation in our country building materials industry upgrading, beyond the leading the world made great contributions to building materials industry development level.
For recognition of advanced, carry forward the vital qi, stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of all the staff members of the national building materials industry, promote the building materials industry to high-end development, green development, development of "going out", and to the service industry development, a new trend of development and new pattern of development, human resources and social security ministry, China building materials federation decided the selection for a batch of advanced collective national building materials industry, advanced workers and model workers.
The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
Scope of selection and awards
(1) scope of selection:
Enterprises and institutions of national building materials industry, mass organizations, including affiliated factories (mines), offices, workshops and teams.
Scope of selection for advanced workers in national building materials industry: on-the-job staff of institutions and associations in national building materials industry (including industry management office).
Selection scope of national building materials industry labor model:
The on-the-job staff of enterprise of countrywide building materials industry.
Units and individuals of central enterprises shall not participate in the selection.
(2) awards
There are 100 advanced collectives in the national building materials industry, 5 advanced workers and 95 model workers in the national building materials industry (see annex 2 for the quota).
Ii. Selection conditions
(1) conditions for the selection of advanced collective in the national building materials industry
Comprehensively implement the party's 19 big spirit, in-depth study and implement new era xi the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly establish a political consciousness, overall situation consciousness, core, par, firmly implement the party's line, principles and policies, the model to observe the national laws and regulations, and strictly implement the central eight, in the new era of new development concept determine industry development situation, expand the approaches of the new development and focus on the construction of ecological civilization, devoted to building a beautiful China, strictly implement the tube party party responsibility of leading groups and firm faith, integrity, good style, unity, earnestly implement the social responsibility, the practice of culture industry,
Actively participate in public welfare undertakings, have no violation of laws and disciplines, no major safety liability accidents in the past five years, and meet the following conditions:
1. Promote the high-end development of the enterprise through innovation-driven and scientific and technological innovation. The product quality is good, and the company has strong competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.
2. It has a sound corporate governance structure, can effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers, strict management system, and has achieved outstanding results in resource allocation, asset restructuring, structural optimization, innovation mechanism and deepening reform;
3. Take the leading position in the national industry in scientific and technological innovation, technological progress, research and development of new technologies, new products, new equipment, energy conservation and emission reduction, green and low-carbon, improvement of labor productivity and construction of ecological civilization;
4. Attach importance to team building and corporate culture building, and integrate the core cultural values of the building materials industry into the development and construction of the enterprise, and implement them into all links of team building, ideological construction, production, operation and management;
5. Vigorously strengthen party building, anti-corruption and building a clean government, guide the development of enterprises with the party's basic theory, line and strategy, give full play to the role of the party organization as a fortress and the vanguard role of party members, and have won a special award from the industry and local governments to achieve remarkable results;
6. In the industry self-discipline and regional coordination with social responsibility and the interests of the industry vision, comply with the building materials industry of macroeconomic regulation and control policy and industry policy, conscientiously implement national and industry standards, industrial policy, the structure adjustment and transformation and upgrading of production capacity, supply side structural reform, to, for short board, adjust structure, steady growth, increasing benefits remarkable achievements, and get the recognition of the industry;
7. Actively transforming the mode of development, transforming and upgrading at a fast pace and with good results; able to promote industrial development with new technologies, new standards and relevant national policies and achieve remarkable results;
8. Make outstanding contributions in other aspects.
Conditions for the selection of advanced workers and model workers in the national building materials industry
Resolutely implement the party's line, principles and policies, model comply with national laws and regulations, and consciously with the party central committee with comrade xi as the core to keep highly consistent, strictly implement the central eight, consciously practice the socialist core values, firmly establish a road confidence, confidence, system theory, the culture, love the party patriotic love industry, pioneering spirit, innovation, wuxi, has the high ideological and political quality and noble moral quality and the fine style of work, has made significant achievements in the work, has a broad mass base, working in the building materials industry more than five years and almost five years without a disciplinary offence,
And one of the following conditions:
1. In the building materials industry leading, coordination and service work, have a strong sense of innovation, forge ahead, work diligently, the tail from wagging the dog, in deepening the reform of enterprise and promote optimal allocation of resources, establish a new system, strengthen management, mining internal potential, economic development, realize the capital value made significant achievements.
Remarkable achievements have been made in implementing the development strategy of the building materials industry, reducing production capacity, strengthening weak links, adjusting structure, applying new technologies, new standards and new industrial policies to promote transformation and upgrading.
2. In the production and operation of building materials, I studied the business assiduously, studied the technology, made bold innovations and created advanced operation methods, and the production labor performance took the lead in the industry.
Long - term adhere to the working conditions of hard work and make remarkable achievements.
Having made significant contributions to the prevention of major accidents, emergency rescue and disaster relief, and the rescue of state property and people's lives and property;
3. In the building materials scientific research design and the development of service industry, the developing of "going out", closely around the international and domestic market demand and the needs of the development of the building materials industry in independent innovation, promote the scientific and technological progress, promote the development of industry to the high-end industry, promote the construction of ecological civilization, to the green industry development, to the service industry development, organization development, go out and scientific research achievements transformation, cultivate and promote the brand strategy outstanding achievements;
4. Make outstanding contributions in strengthening party building, building materials industry culture building, enterprise culture building and staff team building by using xi jinping thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to creatively forge the spirit of loving the party, loving the country and loving the posts.
Iii. Selection methods and requirements
Strictly implement the system of "two trials and three public announcements".
The evaluation and commendation work should be open, fair and equitable, and should be measured by political performance, actual performance and contribution. In addition, we should take its consistent performance into consideration, strictly implement the system of "two trials and three public announcements", implement differential recommendation, select the best from the best, and ensure the quality of the evaluation and commendation work.
Recommend an object to recommend by place unit democracy, leading group collective studies a decision, worker congress is passed.
And must be in the unit publicity 5 working days, publicity content including the recommended object of basic information and main deeds.
The recommended objects should be reviewed and recommended from bottom to top by local human resources and social security departments, building materials industry management departments or industry associations.
Human resources social security departments at the provincial level, the building materials industry management departments or trade associations according to the proposed allocation for 120% of the quota of people put forward the preliminary recommended objects (places below 2 people, and can recommend one person more, places in 2 or more persons shall be carried out in accordance with the 120% of the recommended), by the national building materials industry selection for preliminary work leading group office determine officially recommended list of objects.
Each human resources social security departments at the provincial level or by the competent department of industry, building materials industry association received after the first trial list, will be officially recommended object the basic situation and major events within the scope of this province (area, city) to the public, the public time is 5 working days, after the public recognition to national building materials industry selection work leading group to submit the formal recommend materials.
National building materials industry evaluation and commendation work leading group to verify the review, proposed to commend the list of objects and in the national publicity 5 working days, according to the recommendation and publicity to determine the formal recognition of the object.
We will continue to focus on the grassroots and on the frontline.
The selection should focus on the grassroots level, the front lines of production and work, and in particular on comrades who have worked in difficult and difficult places for a long time.
Units and individuals at the level of or equivalent to the deputy bureau level or above shall not participate in the selection.
The proportion of advanced workers shall not exceed 5% of the total number of advanced individuals (that is, the sum of advanced workers and model workers), and the selection proportion of department-level cadres shall be controlled within 20% of the total number of advanced workers.
Unit in leadership positions in business and have senior titles of experts according to the researchers, companies, head of proportional control in model to less than 10% of the total (enterprise scope includes enterprise with legal person qualification, head of the chairman, party secretary, general manager of the tube to secondary units, provincial enterprises leader).
(3) adhere to the selection standards and strictly control the quality.
The selection shall be carried out in strict accordance with the selection conditions, and the political conditions of the proposed candidates shall be strictly examined.
We should ensure the quality of the candidates selected and recommended. We should always take ideological and political performance, work performance and contribution as the criterion of measurement. The recommended candidates should be representative, advanced and typical.
(4) to strictly enforce the discipline of selection and strengthen supervision and inspection.
The responsibility system for the selection shall be established, and the responsible units and persons shall be clearly defined. Sponsorship fees shall not be collected or disguised.
We will ensure that candidate collectives and individuals stand for election on an equal footing. We will not conduct "weak side election".
Those who have committed serious dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty or resorting to fraud or seeking personal gains or other illegal and disciplinary ACTS in the selection shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant regulations.
To recommend cadres of public institutions and associations (including industrial management offices), the opinions of relevant departments such as discipline inspection (supervision) and organization (cadres) shall be solicited, and the consent of relevant departments shall be obtained according to the cadre management authority (fill in annex 7);
To recommend the person in charge of the enterprise, the opinions of the departments of industry and commerce, taxation, auditing, discipline inspection (supervision), ecological environment protection, human resources social security (labor security), and production safety in the place where the enterprise is located shall be solicited (appendix 8);
When recommending an enterprise, it shall solicit opinions from local departments of discipline inspection (supervision), auditing, industry and commerce, taxation, ecological environment protection, human resources and social security, and production safety (fill in annex 9).
Every violates national policy, code, produce safe production accident and cause serious occupational harm, default worker salary, owe the enterprise of insurance of worker of pay endowment, inductrial injury, medical treatment, unemployment, birth, its enterprise and company controller cannot attend evaluate.
Submit materials on time to ensure work progress.
All provincial-level evaluation institutions shall strictly follow the prescribed procedures to ensure the progress of work, and submit recommendation materials on time and with good quality. Failure to do so will be deemed as an automatic waiver.
In addition, the relevant forms must be filled out in strict accordance with the instructions, and the format shall not be changed at will.
Iv. Incentive measures
Stick to the principle of combining spiritual reward with material reward and giving priority to spiritual reward.
For the selected advanced collectives, the honorary title of "national advanced collectives in building materials industry" will be awarded, and MEDALS and certificates will be issued.
For the selected institutions, associations (including the industry management office) of the advanced individual awarded "national building materials industry advanced workers" honorary title, for the selected enterprise advanced individual awarded "national building materials industry model worker" honorary title, awarded MEDALS and certificates.
The advanced individuals who are commended enjoy the treatment of the award winners at the provincial or ministerial level.
V. schedule
(I) preliminary examination:
All human resources social security departments at the provincial level or by the competent department of industry, building materials industry association will trial materials (attach copy) on November 15, 2018 to submit the recognition work leading group office of national building materials industry selection (use A4 paper to print 2 copies), first trial materials including recommend the work report in this region, the national building materials industry advanced collective preliminary recommendation form (attachment 3), the national building materials industry advanced workers (model) trial recommendation form (attachment 4), recommend object summary table 10) (according to the ranking order of attachment,
Recommended object main achievement material (the content is detailed, the key is outstanding, the word count control is about 2000 words).
The content of the recommendation work report includes: the organization of the preliminary review of the recommendation work, the consultation, the investigation, the publicity and the recommendation.
(2) review link: provincial appraisal institutions within the province to public officially recommended object, after the public without objection, the review material (attach copy) please submit before January 24, 2019, the review materials including recommended work officially reported in this region, the national building materials industry and advanced collective form (attachment 5), the national building materials industry and advanced workers (model) form (appendix 6), "ask for sheet" (appendix 7, 8, 9), recommend object summary table 10) (according to the ranking order, attachment, publicity materials of the original.
Review materials shall be printed in 5 copies on A4 paper.
The recommended model workers and advanced workers should attach 6 2-inch bareheaded color recent photos (5 of which should be attached to the 5 recommended approval forms respectively).
Vi. Organization and leadership
The ministry of human resources and social security and China building materials federation jointly constitute the leading group for the selection and commendation of advanced collectives, advanced workers and model workers in the national building materials industry (see annex 1). The leading group has an office responsible for the daily work of the selection and commendation.
Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government should establish corresponding selection mechanism, responsible for the local recommendation and audit work, and at the end of October in 2018 the province (area, city) level selection for work leading group and office members, contact phone number at the national building materials industry advanced collectives and advanced workers and model workers are held in the selection for the office.
Selection and commendation of advanced collectives, advanced workers and model workers in the national building materials industry
Contact person and contact information:
Deng Ruili
Mobile phone: 13671008597
Mobile phone: 13811913082
Ren crypto
Mobile phone: 18800179142
The true: 010-57811100
Mailing address: no. 11, sanlihe road, haidian district, Beijing
General management department of China building materials federation