On July 15, 2018, the annual meeting of BBS (IVIS) advisory committee for international vacuum insulation materials was grandly held in taicang, rural city of jiangsu province.
Meeting by the chairman of the committee of nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics professor Chen Zhaofeng convened, the university of Victoria in Canada Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya professors, eth Zurich Samuel Brunner, Dr Alice denison - haney tower companies in the United States, the chief scientist Yoash Carmi dogwoods, Kyoto university, small to big and auxiliary professor, Dr Kinki university architecture department before rock Benedict professor to be invited to attend, MIT Michal Ganobjak postdoctoral fellow, Dr Xu tengzhou attend nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics,
Zhang xiao, a panasonic VIP expert, served as the interpreter, and Desire, a new technology VIP expert, served as the secretary.
This annual meeting by the international vacuum insulation BBS advisory committee and the Chinese society of silicate insulation branch, and macro long province silicate material to undertake, China southern airlines, silverstor electrical, yuan vacuum gauge, Italian technology, guangzhou, cooperated with CDH can get taicang city technology bureau, taicang institute of science and technology and taicang residences town people's government support.

International vacuum insulation BBS advisory committee annual meeting of experts
The development trend of vacuum insulated panel (VIP) and IVIS was discussed.
Members carefully analyzed the dialectical relationship between ultra-fine glass wool and inorganic nano-powder in the initial performance and long-term service of VIP, and gave full affirmation to the development of ultra-fine glass wool core material with Chinese characteristics and its VIP.
Ultra-fine glass wool VIP is the material with the lowest thermal conductivity in the world at present. It has a huge market in the field of cold chain insulation and building insulation.
The committee considers that IVIS is the only international VIP academic organization, and it is necessary to strengthen the guidance of IVIS on VIP materials and technology and expand the influence of IVIS.
Based on the fact that China has the largest VIP production capacity and the most complete variety of VIP in the world, the meeting agreed to the proposal put forward by nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics to hold VIP International Workshop in China every even-numbered year, complementing the VIP International conference held in odd years to speed up the technical and academic exchanges of VIP.
The annual meeting heard from chairman of IVIS2019 -- kinki university professor atsuto ishinori's report on the preparation of IVIS2019, and co-chairman professor dogsuke (dogsuke) introduced the culture and technology of Kyoto.
The advisory committee expressed its appreciation for Japan's meticulous preparation and hard work, and put forward specific Suggestions on the theme, venue, time, special guest report and even transportation of IVIS2019. We wish the IVIS2019 event to be held in Japan next September a complete success.
The advisory committee also had friendly exchanges with the deputy mayor of chengxiang town zhao junchun and other leaders. The committee thanked chengxiang town for its support in all aspects for the 2018 conference and looked forward to strengthening cooperation with chengxiang town in the future.
Zhao zhen said that he is willing to strengthen exchanges with world-class academic organizations and hopes to attract high-end talents to taicang through international conferences and promote first-class international talents to come to chengxiang town for innovation and entrepreneurship

International vacuum insulation BBS advisory committee annual meeting site
Professor Chen zhaofeng, vice chairman of thermal insulation branch of ccsi and chairman of IVIS advisory committee, presided over the meeting
The first chairman of the advisory committee, professor Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya of the university of Victoria, made a statement

New academic committee member Dr Yoash kamey spoke
Panasonic VIP technical expert Miss Zhang spoke
MiChal Ganobjak postdoctoral fellow at MIT

Dr Samuel Brunner, former chairman of the advisory board of the federal institute of technology Zurich, spoke

IVIS2019 co-chair professor doggie daisuke speaks